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About You
What does a typical client come to counselling with?
Are you an adult, a couple or a child or young person?
There isn’t such a thing as a typical client and for me, that’s the beauty of being involved in this type of work is that in every interaction with another person the individuality, creativity, beauty of them just impresses upon me how amazing individuals are, that despite what’s going on their life they are still showing up, breathing and have hope that things can be ‘better’!
Here is a list of issues that clients often present with, this list isn’t exhaustive nor is it intended to be a list of labels, we are all human beings experiencing different challenges within life.
Generalised anxiety
Chronic pain
Feeling sad
Learning difficulties
Low self-confidence
Low self-esteem
Still birth
Infant Loss
Health anxiety
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Relationship problems
Affairs and betrayals
Family issues
Life transitions
Separation and divorce
Suicidal thoughts
Work-related stress
Cancer diagnosis
Terminal illness
Career counselling
Carer support
Covid related stress
Lost motivation/purpose in life
Panic Attacks
Pet bereavement
I work with couples who need help and support moving their relationship forwards whatever the presenting issues may be.
I offer a space for young people to work things through in their own time. This may not be the time that parents or caregivers expect or want, but child and young person counselling is about giving them a space to be heard in whatever manner, means or shape that may be without the pressures of school, friends, parents etc. As a qualified Children's and Young Person therapist I treat them as an equal rather than just children. A safe space is created for sharing thoughts and experiences, listening to each young person who comes in through the door in order to help them better understand themselves. Building this sort or rapport and relationship can take a long time and minimum session length would be around 10 sessions. I would offer an initial 30 minute session to see if the young person felt comfortable with me and what I offer before committing to additional sessions.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.